I watch porn when I masturbate. I’m straight but I also watch gay porn. Does this mean I’m gay, straight or bisexual?

What you enjoy watching in terms of porn may or may not match up to who you are sexually attracted to. The teen years are a time of getting to know who you are, which includes learning who you are attracted to and who you want to have a physical relationship with. It’s a good idea to think about your feelings- who do you usually have crushes on, and if you have dated someone either of the same sex or opposite sex, how did it make you feel, and who do you imagine having an intimate relationship with?

As a teen it’s normal to be curious about sex and the Internet has made porn readily available. Keep in mind though that porn does not reflect reality. Both guys and girls can have unrealistic expectations when it comes to sex, your own body and your partner’s body if they watch porn.




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