Can provide incorrect sleeping positions for bad sleep?

Up to twenty Times per night, as often as we change our sleeping positions. And the mostly completely unconsciously. Nevertheless, we often believe rocks, that we belong to a specific sleep type, so for example, pure stomach sleepers are. “Records you in your sleep once on Video, can’t believe most of the people that you spend even though they assess, for example, as a belly sleeper most of the night on your back or side,” says Dr. Hans Günter Blind, head of the interdisciplinary sleep center at the Palatine hospital of Klingenmünster.

There is really favorite sleep positions?

Therefore, there is not “the right, best or even the healthiest sleeping position” for all. Whether it’s (allegedly) a side sleeper, stomach or back sleepers: On which side we sleep doesn’t matter, as long as we recovered in the morning and Wake up relaxed. (Read also: how to bring your internal clock back into the clock)

Tendencies, in what Position you fall asleep preferably, there are certainly: “to 7. Year we usually make our favorite-from sleep position, this remains for us a lifetime, unless we should you snore due to medical indications (e.g., back, change, pain, etc.),“ says the expert.

Orthopedic surgeons: the prone position is better to avoid

And because it can be a bit tricky: From the orthopaedic point of view in a relaxed supine position on a flat pillow as recommended. Because the spine remains straight, the weight is evenly distributed on the mattress. A flat pillow is important so that the neck and head lie in the extension of the back, the tension prevents.

Also the page location is orthopedic in order, however, you should pay attention here particularly to the fact that the mattress has the right firmness: a Drops the hips too low, especially for the lower back not be optimal.

The stomach can neck many people and shoulder discomfort, because our head is turned always on a page – we have to eventually get air. This uneven stress on many orthopaedic surgeons, this sleep position as the most pessimistic rate. But the same applies here: If you sleep on the belly (a -), and also in the long term, with no complaints, that’s totally fine. (So you have to train to have a strong back without devices)

This is the best sleeping position for snorers

Quite different physicians to assess the sleep positions when it comes to patients, snoring. “For snorers, or people who even have to struggle with Breathing in their sleep, so with sleep apnea suffer is not recommended for the supine position, it reinforces the Problem rather”, as Dr. Blind.

Because lying on the back, the extra pounds hampering particularly in overweight people who are more prone to snoring, breathing and adequate blood circulation to the internal organs. In addition, the tongue falls back into this Position more easily in the throat area and can increase the snoring and the breathing problems. Snoring people should sleep better in the lateral position and through a targeted Training of your (A-)sleep position change. (Also interesting: The best experts ‘ tips: What really helps against snoring?)

What is a position training?

But for a systematic Training in the practice? “It is not so easy, we then speak of a location, position training,” says the sleep expert. To the untrain sleep on your back, there are, for example, specific sleep West, in a solid Styrofoam block is sewn. This prevents us from sleeping in the supine position, because it would feel very uncomfortable. Home remedies such as tennis balls under the back, or the like, however, usually nothing, because especially overweight people do not feel you as a disturbance, which brings you to turn the page.“ (Also read: The most popular sleep myths – what is really in it?)

In order for a position training can also be really successful, it needs to apply every night over a period of three to four weeks, then we have saved the “new” (A) sleeping position. It then falls back into the old pattern, it is usually sufficient, once or twice per week the corrective measures, such as the sleep vest, to apply, to remind the body back to a more favourable Position.

In summary, one can say, therefore, that the individual’s sleeping position is the right one, if you sleep well and through and in the morning, physically and mentally wakes up recovered. Only in the case of people, the snoring should be avoided in the supine position. (Also interesting: when sweating in the night is dangerous)

This article was written by (Eva Stammberger)

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