Was frightening: man eats chicken-Curry – in short, he is paralyzed

Most people probably had a food poisoning: it is usually unpleasant, but after a few days already passed.

It was otherwise with David Braham, from Bridgend in Wales. After he had eaten a chicken Curry, he was paralyzed from the nose down, and even had to be in an artificial coma, wrote the British tabloid newspaper “Daily Mail”.

The real reason behind the threatening condition of the man was a neurological disease, the food poisoning was triggered.

“It all started with a Tickle”

Shortly after the consumption of the chicken curries he noticed at a Rugby game of his son, that it was bad.

“I didn’t feel very well. In the evening I felt strange and was at the weekend, really sick,” said Braham.

Four days after his Curry-meal Braham remote was to the hospital. The Doctors gave him antibiotics and sent him to six days back home.

But then Braham’ve noticed a Tickle – and the paralysis set in. Within only one day he could no longer move.

“All of a sudden I was trapped in my own body. It was frightening.”

“I was paralyzed and couldn’t move”

A summoned ambulance brought him back to the hospital, where the Doctors diagnosed him of food poisoning by Campylobacter bacteria. The had in him the rare Guillian-Barré syndrome is triggered, which ensures that the immune system, the nervous system attacks.

Braham had then for four weeks in an artificial coma and on artificial respiration.

“I was like a Baby”

In the following months, had to Braham of new learning, to run, to wash, and other tasks of daily life to cope with. For months, he did not see his children.

“I was like a Baby, the simple things must learn. My brain knew how to do everything, but my body has not carried out it.” Meanwhile, Braham can run again.

Christmas will be able to spend a Braham back in the circle of his family. “I cannot expect, again, dad-to-be and time with my children to spend.”


This article was written by HuffPost / md