This Viral Twitter Thread Reveals the Worst Things People With Mental Illness Have Been Told

if you’re someone with mental illness, than you’ve probably heard plenty of insensitive, even offensive comments about your condition. Maybe a loved one announced that there’s nothing really wrong with you, or a doctor blew off your symptoms and suggested they were caused by a so-called “real” illness.

Fed up with being dismissed or dissed, thousands of people with mental illness are now posting the worst comments they’ve heard to the hashtag #ThingsPeopleHaveSaidAboutMyMentalIllness. 

The now-viral Twitter thread was launched by UK journalist Hattie Gladwell, who started things off by writing, “One person told me I didn’t need medication, I just needed to be more motivated to cope with my mental health.”

From there, the hashtag caught on, and others posted their own stories and quotes.

“‘Everyone has a stressful job, I have a stressful job, what makes you think yours should be treated as better than everyone else?’ – from a therapist after my suicide attempt,” @joesgotcrohns wrote.

“When I had an ectopic pregnancy and was told [I] didn’t need help via counselling as I couldn’t be depressed over something that wasn’t even a baby,” shared @curly_wurly85.

“Just try to think positive for once, it’s all in your head,” @Sophie9131 said.

“It’s all just an excuse, you were feeling alright the other day!” @AdamHoward2000 posted.

“I told someone I had OCD and their reply was ‘oh so you like to clean then’. I said, ‘no, I struggle with intrusive thoughts and worry about bad things happening’. Their reply then was, ‘oh, so you’re just superstitious?’” shared @AlongCameLydia.

These are just a few of the comments and retweets that have come in from users all over the world. While mental health issues don’t carry the same stigma they did a generation ago, the responses on this thread serve as a reminder that depression, anxiety, and other disorders are extremely common—and very misunderstood.

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