Shocking Report Reveals E-Cigarette Company, HelloCig, Put Viagra & Cialis In Their Vape Liquid

An e-cigarette company called HelloCig Electronic Technology Co. is being blasted by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for selling vape liquid that no only contained pharmaceuticals, but also claimed to be FDA-approved. The liquids were shockingly discovered to contain Cialis, Viagra, and sildenafil, detailed Ars Technica. For buyers, however, the information might make them feel better about the money they coughed up, considering that HelloCig was marketing the liquids with images of the pharmaceutical drugs.

For example, “E-Cialis HelloCig E-Liquid” had a photo of a bottle and Cialis pills. Analysis showed it contained sildenafil, which is an active ingredient in Viagra. It also had tadalafil, which is an active ingredient in Cialis.

Cialis is used to cure erectile dysfunction, but can have dangerous side effects that need to be monitored by a doctor. For example, it can cause dizziness, nausea, and numbness or tingling, according to Medical News Today. Also, doctors take extra care when prescribing the drug to people with heart conditions. HelloCig, by selling this liquid without proper authorization, could have put people’s health in danger.

Another product that was being advertised, the “E-Rimonabant HelloCig E-Liquid,” was being promoted with photos of Acomplia. The drug is not legal in the U.S., and was banned in Europe in 2008. That liquid did not contain Acomplia, but had sildenafil. Sildenafil, which is better known as Viagra, is also used to treat erectile dysfunction and should be prescribed by a doctor.

The FDA responded to the findings by sending a letter to the company, demanding they take their products off the shelves. The company has been given 15 days to respond. Here is what FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb had to say about the issue.

“Prescription drugs are carefully evaluated and labeled to reflect the risks of the medications and their potential interactions with other medicines, and vaping active drug ingredients is an ineffective route of delivery and can be dangerous. There are no e-liquids that contain prescription drugs that have been proven safe or effective through this route of administration.”

And indeed, the idea of vaping erectile dysfunction pills is unlike anything most people have considered when it comes to e-cigs. The attention on e-cigs has recently been placed on the high number of young people becoming addicted to them. But in addition, the industry has been growing to keep up with demand, and it’s apparently important for the FDA to take a closer look at those who offer “misleading claims and illegal and dangerous e-liquids that may entice youth or put consumers at risk.”

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